Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

edited pictures

i got rid of the writing on the ball and changed the colors of pink using image adjustments like vibrance, saturation and curves. i also applied a filter onto the back ground to make it appear darker.

edited pics

i made everything except the label black and white and i increased the vibrance on the label.

Edited picture

I cropped the picture, increased the vibrance on the green trees, sharpened the orange tree and added color to bare spots on the orange tree.

Edited Pictures

I adjusted the curves, increased the contrast and applied a blur filter to the background.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Comic Strip

I think we could use this in other classes such as english because we could reflect what we read by making a comic we could also do math problems in a comic.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lab 5

1) You can access your favorite sites no matter where youre at.
2) You can share your sites with people.
3) You can sort your favorite sites into groups.

1) It can be vulnerable to spam.
2) There is little emphasis on privacy.
3) It is limited by language.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


1) Each day when i checked my RSS there were changes in currents events and different coupons avaible to me from certain sites.
2) I have learned about events going on at Ferris State and Michigan State Universities, also some important volleyball tips.
3)RSS feeds can siplify your life by making websites and information available to you as soon as you log in, it saves the time of researching or logging into certain things.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lab 2

I used the crop tool to zoom in and cut out some unwanted area. I also used the image adjustments to adjust the vibrance, curves, colors and hue and saturation of the picture. I also used the color replacement tool to change the color of the wall and some of the flowers. I used the magnetic lasso tool to select the flowers i wanted to change. I also used the clone stamp to make the plant seem like it had more flowers.